
Hello, I’m YoJheng Wang who is a designer in San Francisco and Taiwan, graduated from the Academy of Art University, with a strong interest in design.

I am passionate about the UI/UX field. In the past few years of design experience, I have honed my skills and centered on users and customers, deeply understanding the importance of people and design to products.

I enjoy giving meaning and life to an object. My specialty is to solve problems and communicate by using the simplest way to make the audience understand.

Hello👋🏼 我叫又正,來自台灣與舊金山的設計師。畢業於舊金山藝術大學碩士,專長在UI/UX 設計。

我對 UI/UX 領域充滿熱情。 在這些年的設計經歷中,我磨練了自己以用戶和客戶為中心的技能,深刻理解了人和設計對產品的重要性。

